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DEW Drop-In Newsletter

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Melissa; Linda E; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Addiction and Recovery: a personal story by Melissa; Volunteer Dinner: 23 volunteers go to Urban Buffey; Management Team: write up of Community Meeting attended by 35 women, excellent community feedback with suggestions; Calendar; Massage; Street Nurse; Sweat Lodge; Resumes; Arts and Crafts workshops; Painting; Crochet with Anna and Freda; Sewing Circle with Freda; Beading with Leona; Karaoke; Grief and Loss Group; Battered Women Support Services (BWSS); Power of women2women (POW2W): building website and requesting stories for website; Healing Circle; Taiko Drumming Group: photo and description of what group does; Karaoke; Community Kitchen; DEWC 412 Women's Emergency Shelter: move from DEWC to 412 Cordova, how it came about and what it provides; Papalooza: provides Pap tests, rules, women's history and medical stats on violence, homelessness, and child apprehensions affecting women.
Addiction and Recovery; Volunteer Dinner; Management Team; Community Meeting; Community feedback; Calendar; Massage; Street Nurse; Sweat Lodge; Resumes; Arts and Crafts workshops; Painting; Crochet with Anna and Freeda; Sewing Circle with Freeda; Beading with Leona; Karaoke; Grief and Loss Group; Battered Women Support Services (BWSS); Power of women2women (POW2W); Healing Circle; Taiko Drumming; Karaoke; Community Kitchen; DEWC 412 Women's Emergency Shelter; Taiko Group; Papalooza; Pap test; Medical advocacy