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Her Voice

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PDF icon VWHC Newsletter - Spring 2006.pdf587.02 KB
Duncan, Caryn; Harper, Jane; Houshmand, Farnaz; Hnatiw, Lesia; Moore, Lisa; Quinn, Hillary; Shelton, Belinda
Vancouver Women's Health Collective
A newsletter produced by the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC). This issue includes: 34 Years of Women Helping Women to Help Themselves!' Are you interested in…VWHC resources; The VWHC's Titbits on Women's Health; The Media is Listening (On occasion); The VWHC Advocates for Women; Volunteer and Build our Women's Community; Are you Interested in past issues of Her Voice?; New Books at the VWHC Resource Library; Learning to Defend our Rights as Patients: The VWHC's Patient's Rights Workshop; Coffee House Fundraiser a Success!; On the Street Campaign; Are you Looking for a Doctor, Midwife or Counsellor?; Share your experience with other women; Why not pay us a visit and check out our Women's Health Files; Funding Stress and Strain; Announcements and Notices
women and health; women's health; women's organization; feminist organization; gender-based analysis; menopause; media; advocacy; BC College of Physicians and Surgeons; cosmetic surgery; funding cuts; volunteer; volunteerism; training; community building; workshop; patient's rights; social determinants of health; rights; fundraising; health information dissemination; International Women's Day; International Day of Action for Women's Health (IDAWH)