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How Canadian Laws and Policies On "Illegal" Drugs Contribute to the Spread of HIV Infection and Hepatitis B and C

Publication type: 
Policy Paper
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A paper submitted to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on December 14, 1995 during it's examination of Bill C-8, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The paper outlines the various ways that Canadian drug laws contribute to infection rates and outlines policies, practices and laws that would help to prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis. Prisons, drug laws and harm reduction interventions are featured in this report.
Eugene Oscapella; drug use; hepatitis; HIV/AIDS; risk behaviour; drug law reform; activism; methadone; drug treatment; injection drug users; prisons; HIV risks; sex trade workers; criminal justice system; research; harm reduction; needle exchange programs; HIV education; HIV testing;