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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #108 April/May 1999

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On the Cover: TO TELL OR NOT TO TELL Relationships + Disclosure of HIV Status. 4 EDITORIAL The December-January cover photo causes some upset and starts a debate: Deadly Cover Stupid. Cover "triggers" dialogue. 5 NEWSREEL We take a look at the lastest health, social and political issues for PWAs at home and around the world, including: More on Medical Marijuana, HE 2000, Canadian AIDS Society's 2nd Annual Skill Building Symposium, will saliva provide the next HIV drugs, and much more. Canadian Government to Test Medical Marijuana: Minister shows leadership and courage. New Drug "Starves" the AIDS Virus. The 2nd Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium. HIV-Killing Proteins Found in Tears. UKs M.L. Labs Bullish on AIDS Gel for Women. BCPWA Membership Tops 4000. Sustiva Approved in Canada. Report Says Medical Pot Works. AIDS Pandemic is Worsening. 7 TREATMENT UPDATE Treatment Issues are Different for HIV Positive Women. An Overview from Living Positive. There are a number of opportunistic infections that affect only women. 9 INTERNAL EXCHANGE Reports from the Standing Committees of BCPWA. Collective Advocacy Committee Has Taken Active Role. BCPWA Website Activity Grows. 11 TO TELL OR NOT TO TELL. Telling othera about your HIV status. Disclosing your HIV diagnosis to friends, lovers, family, colleagues, neighbours, your children. When do you tell? How do you go about telling? Could you be held criminally liable for not telling? 14 SHARING OUR SKILLS. BCPWA needs your help, and you can gain valuable experience. 15 KVIK RECIPES BY KASANDRA Garlic, Rosemary, Dijon and honey! Now, that's the way to roast your turkey. Roast Turkey with Rosemary & Garlic. 16 POSITIVELY HAPPENING Your guide to just about everything -- support groups, medical clinics, help lines, free services, and much more! 21 IN MEMORIAM. DWIGT V Passed away on Januay 29, 1998. MICHAEL (SQUIRREL) GIBBONS Taken home by angels April 7, 1998. 22 LAST BLAST Important Healthcare News? Chuckles from the Internet.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS; Disclosure; Medical Marijuana;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #107 February/March 1999

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On the Cover: LIVING POSITIVE. A Preview of our New Manual for People Living With HIV and AIDS. 4 EDITORIAL Fight for your Right to Light. BCPWA's Chair speaks his mind on the medical use of marijuana. 5 NEWSREEL We take a look at the lastest health, social, and political issues for PWAs at home and around the world, including: Theatre Postive performance is a hit, changes to the Complementary Health Fund, Lunch Club closes, Ritonavir & Ecstasy kills, YouthCo launches spicy zine, and much more. CHF Waiting List Abolished and Rates Adjusted: Benefits are Tied to Proceeds of AIDS Walk. Lunch Club Closes. PWA on Ritonavir Dies After Taking Ecstasy. YouthCO Launches Spicy 'Zine'. BCPWA AGM Highlights Growth and Achievements. BC Centre for Excellence Therapeutic Guidelines Online. New Antiretroviral Therapy Guide is Online. 7 TREATMENT UPDATE Tea Tree Oil Shows Promise Against Oral Fungal Infections. Doctors in the US have reported results from a small study of tea-tree oil "oral solution." Vits Help the Rits Go Down. Vitamins may help you tolerate ritonavir better. Patients' Immune Cells Armed for HIV. Strateguyu is aimed at maintaining and amplifying the T cell response. 9 NON-FICTION. Spirituality Brings Peace and Strength to Native PWA in Prison. Regaining lost spirituality brings inner peace to a native man who struggled with HIV and incarceration. 10 ADVOCACY UPDATE The Schedule C Advisory Group Gets Focused. 11 LIVING POSITIVE: AN EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW. BCPWA's venerable old positive living manual gets more than a face lift. It gets a new name, a dynamic new concept and a complete rewrite. BCPWA News is pleased to present an exclusive preview of the first two parts of Living Positive. 14 SHARING OUR SKILLS. BCPWA needs your help, and you can gain valuable experience. 15 KVIK RECIPES BY KASANDRA Kasandra does the bars, and cheesecake is the result... Cheesecake Bars. 16 POSITIVELY HAPPENING Your guide to just about everything -- support groups, medical clinics, help lines, free services, and much more! 22 LAST BLAST. Pushing Buttons! Pick a button, any button... New saying we'd like to see.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #106 December 1998/January 1999

Publication type: 
On the Cover: A CLASH OF RIGHTS Do Public Health Concerns Justify Withholding AIDS Drugs from Injection Drug Users? 4 EDITORIAL Injecting Rights into Our Lives: Injection drug users are allegedly being denied access to AIDS drugs and it's dead wrong. 5 NEWSREEL We take a look at the latest health, social and political issues for PWAs at home and around the world, including information about the Schedule C Advisory Group, Wings Housing gets their own building, and the most successful AIDS Walk we've had. Schedule C Advisory Group Brings Hope For New Year. Homes BC Funds Housing for People with HIV/AIDS. Drug Coctails Fail to Eliminate HIV from Semen. Money Raised by AIDS WALK Sets New Record. Therapeutic Vaccine in the Works. 7 TREATMENT UPDATE. WEIGHTY MATTERS. Is the New Tire Around Your Guts a Middle Age or Protease Problem? Protease giving you a paunch? A natural pot belly? Reduce or avoid it altogether with this article that gives you some strategies for reducing your fat intake and cholesterol. 9 NON-FICTION. WHAT IS HARM REDUCTION? The concept of Harm Reduction is explained in terms that everyone can understand. 10 ADVOCACY UPDATE Got the Winter Poverty Blues? Can't afford to get the essentials? The ins and outs of crisis benefits. 11 A CLASH OF RIGHTS Do public health concerns justify withholding AIDS drugs from injection drug users? A community forum was held in the downtown Eastside of Vancouver to discuss allegations that IDUs are being denied AIDS drugs. 14 SHARING OUR SKILLS. BCPWA needs your help and you can gain valuable experience. 15 KVIK RECIPES BY KASANDRA Chicken with rice and tomatoes and cheese, Kasandra bakes up an Italian to please. Risotto and Chicken Bake. 16 POSITIVELY HAPPENING Your guide to just about everything -- support groups, medical clinics, help lines, free services, and much more! 22 LAST BLAST Man the Protease torpedoes! The Borg have arrived in our space! Ever get the feeling you're stuck in an episode of Star Trek?
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; IVDUs and HIV/AIDS; Harm Reduction;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #105 September/October 1998

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On the cover: BLIND JUSTICE Lady Justice may be blind, but she's listening intently in our bedrooms. 4 EDITORIAL. LIVING ON THE STREET. Bud Osbourne ruminates about life on the street for those addicted in the downtown eastside. 5 NEWSREEL We take a look at the latest health, social and political issues for PWAs at home and around the world, including an award for one of NEW's own, the Manns are killed in the Swiss Air crash, and Clinical Heroin Trials offer much more than "free drugs." Provincial Framework for Action on AIDS Announced. Clinical Heroin Trials Offer Much More than "Free Drugs." Tribute to Jonathan Mann and Mary-Lou Clements-Mann. Roche Pharmaceuticals Dumps Substandard AIDS Therapy on Africa. A Prize Winning Journalist in our Midst! 7 TREATMENT UPDATE. UNDERSTANDING YOUR BLOOD WORK. TAOIST TAI CHI AND HIV/AIDS. All you wanted to know about CD4 cells and information on Taoist Tai Chi and HIV/AIDS. CD4+ absolute cell count versus CD4+ percent. 9 NON-FICTION Clyde Richardson's last installment "Salivation Salivation". 10 ADVOCACY NEWS. ICBC DISABILITY DISCOUNT AND FUEL TAX REBATE IS AVAILABLE. Tips for car owners -- a discount on your insurance and a rebate on your gas purchases. 11 BLIND JUSTICE Lady justice may be blind but she's listening in our bedrooms. The Supreme Court of Canada makes a decision in a case involving a Squamish man who knowingly transmitted the HIV virus. Transmission without prior disclosure is declared a criminal act. 14 SHARING OUR SKILLS. BCPWA needs your help, and you can gain valuable experience. 15 KVIK RECIPES BY KASANDRA Noodles and other things nice. Oriental Noodle Salad. 15 ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT WORKING OR SCHOOL? Information on BCPWA's work in vocational rehabilitation and a two day session to talk about work-related issues. 16 POSITIVELY HAPPENING Your guide to just about everything - support groups, medical clinics, help lines, free services, and much more! 22 LAST BLAST. Five Easy Steps to a Healthy HAART. Spending time at St. Paul's hospital - keeping your deities straight will maintain your HAART.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Homeless and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #104 August/September 1998

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On the cover: BILLION DOLLAR BABIES New AIDS drugs dramatically reduce HIV infection of babies during birth, but cost too much for HIV+ mothers in developing countries. 4 EDITORIAL Doug McKay turns his eye to the passing of Emery Barnes and the World AIDS Conferences. 5 NEWSREEL We take a look at the latest health, social and political issues for PWAs at home and around the world, including conference facts, an award for a BCPWA librarian, and a study about AIDS intervention in prison. Conference Fast Facts. Resource Centre Librarian Wins Excellence Award. Child with HIV Refused Entry to Canada. More Research needed on Adherence Issues. Incarcerated Populations Require Tailored Interventions. 7 TREATMENT UPDATE Lots of information on new treatments for HIV disease, and a history of AIDS through the eyes of a BC dermatologist. NEW COMBOS BATTLE MUTANT HIV. Tom Mountford looks at the uses of DDI and Hydroxyurea, post Geneva. NATURAL REMEDY EXPLORED. A homeopathic remedy worked to clear up HPV in my mouth. THE TIMES AND LIVES OF AIDS. Interview with Alastair McLeod. 9 NON-FICTION Clyde Richardson remembers the wonders of kissing in "Lips that never..." 10 KISSES FROM NEW YORK. An Evening of Art. A dazzling pictorial of our fundraising evening with painter Johanne Corno. 11 BILLION DOLLAR BABIES Efforts to reduce perinatal transmission fuel the debate over "have" and "have nots." In developed countries the rate of perinatal transmission has been reduced to almost nothing, while in developing countries the rates remain high because of drug costs. 14 SHARING OUR SKILLS. BCPWA needs your help, and you can gain valuable experience 15 KVIK RECIPES BY KASANDRA Summer S&M (that's Skewering and Marinating). Turkey, Chicken or Vegetable Brochettes. 16 POSITIVELY HAPPENING Your guide to just about everything -- support groups, medical clinics, help lines, free services and much more! 22 LAST BLAST Do yourself a Party Favour! The Dope on the Protease Effect. A party-goers's guide to interactions between protease combinations and illicit drugs.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Women and HIV/AIDS; Infants and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #103 June/July 1998

Publication type: 
On the cover: THE ART OF ACTIVISM Building AIDS awareness on canvas 4 EDITORIAL Doug McKay introduces BCPWA News' new look and tears a strip off the government's agenday 5 NEWSREEL We look at the latest heath, social and political issues for PWAs at home and around the world, including new drug treatments, a pregnancy study, and concern about an STD outbreak in BC. AIDS Drug Review Victory. Health Care Strike May Affect BCPWA. Peer Counsellors Graduate from BCPWA Training. HIV, Hepatitis C Spreading Through Prisons. Plasma-Washing Technique Approved. Leaders Worried by the Spread of AIDS. Many HIV-Positive Children Will Survive to Adolescence. Voluntary HIV Tests Preferable in Pregnancy. Syphilis Outbreak Hits BC. HIV/AIDS in the Elderly on the Rise. Failure of Cytarabine in Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Associated with HIV Infection. 7 TREATMENT UPDATE A warning about a popular painkiller, and good news about exercise. THE TROUBLE WITH TYLENOL The popular pain reliever appears to cause more immune system damage to peopel with HIV/AIDS. PRIOR WASTING LINKED TO INCREASES IN VIRAL LOAD, EXERCISE IS NOT. A team of researchers in California has reported evidence of a direct link between prior weight loss and recent HIV levels in patients with AIDS-related wasting. High-intensity exercise deemed safe. 9 NON-FICTION. HOW CAN THIS BE? Clyde Richardson considers the perplexing state of life and friendship with HIV. "Fear is what you turn it into." 10 ADVOCACY NEWS Financial help may be available if you need to move. Ministry may help finance the high cost of moving. 11 THE ART OF ACTIVISM How a young artist and a seasoned activist collaborated on some powerful paintings that help raise awareness about HIV and AIDS. In a remote British Columbia town, AIDS Activist Richard Hollingsworth teamed up with Jeff Fletcher, a brilliant young artist, to create an art awareness project. Using Hollingsworth's HIV+ blood in the paint, Flecter created a sensation with his fantastical art which is now attracting international attention. 14 SHARING OUR SKILLS BCPWA needs your help, and you can gain valuable experience 15 KVIK RECIPES BY KASANDRA Jumbo Oatmeal Date Sandwich Cookies 16 POSITIVELY HAPPENING Your guide to just about everything -- support groups, medical clinics, help lines, free services, and much more! 22 LAST BLAST. IMPOSSIBLE DREAM The protease side effect no one's talking about. Ruben Acosta discovers some little-known treatment side effects and loses his fashion sense.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #102 April/May 1998

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6 DRUG APPROVAL FIGHT HEATS UP Protest Rally Sparks Meeting with Alan Rock. A major problem has been the federal government campaign of slashing programs to save money. Health Protection Branch has fallen victim to the cutbacks and simply does not have the resources. 8 ADVOCACY UPDATE: UPDATE ON DENTAL SERVICES Rules, regualations and associated legislation to help you recieve dental benefits from your financial aid worker. Lost cost dental services in Vancouver. PREVENTATIVE NUTRITION THERAPY Treating and preventing dry mouth. 10 NON FICTION: SHORT STORIES BY CLYDE RICHARDSON "The Cut that Hurts" The following short story was written by Clyde Richardson, a long term volunteer with BCPWA Advocacy. These are true stories from his life experience as a person living with HIV; stories written with humour that he wanted to share. 11 SHE'S HAVING A BABY? Women relate their experiences of becoming pregnant and delivering a child after having tested HIV+ 17 WHAT DOES IT COST TO LIVE WITH HIV? Interim report on the Community Health Resource Project which is investigating teh cost and economic impact of HIV and AIDS and whose goal is to define direct and indirect costs associated with HIV/AIDS. 18 SPIRITUALITY AND PERSONS WITH HIV/AIDS Review of "An Exploration of the meaning and use of sprituality among women with HIV/AIDS" By Joyce A. Guillory, Richard Swell, Linda Moneyham and Brenda Seals, published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 3(5):55-60. 19 KVIK RECIPES BY KASANDRA POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Women and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #101 February/March 1998

Publication type: 
2 TO ALL CHRISTMAS ANGELS. Thanks for supporing our annual Christmas appeal. 4 WHAT'S LAC GOT TO DO WITH IT? L-acetyl carnitine is depleted by several antiretrovirals. The PWA Health Group will be carrying a quality-controlled brand of LAC. 5 MEMO TO: ALL HEALTH CARE WORKERS FROM: HEALTH CANADA HEALTH PROTECTION BRANCH RE: PROTEASE INHIBITORS AND HEMOPHILIA There have been approximately 16 cases of spontaneous bleeding episodes in HIV+ patients with hemophilia who were being treated with protease inhibitors. Health Protection Branch recommends continuing therapy but health care providers should monitor these patients. 6 NEW DRUG METHOD IN RUSSIA MAY BE BEHIND AIDS SPREAD Injection drugs that are tested for quality by the addition of blood may be behind rapid spread of HIV in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. 7 IS MEDICALERT FOR YOU? The Treatment Information Program is working appropriate wordings for MedicAlert for HIV+ persons. 8 ADVOCACY UPDATE: DENTAL SERVICES AND ENTITLEMENT Available coverage from BC Benefits (Income Assistance) and low cost or free dental services. 9 NON FICTION: SHORT STORIES BY CLYDE RICHARDSON "On the Bus Again" "Chemo Trails" 11 STRATEGIES FOR PROTEASE INHIBITOR FAILURE Possible approaches: Changing protease inhibitors, not very likely to be effective after drug failure. Combining protease inhibitors, not as easy as originally thought. Combining therapies for synergy, some anecdotal claims of success. Experimental approaches. 15 TREATMENT UPDATE The BCPWA Treatment Information Program -- a Profile. AIDS & Aging. Choices of Bodywork Therapies Threatened. 18 IS THE COCKTAIL PARTY OVER? People with AIDS were told a cocktail of drugs would keep them alive for many years. But hope is fleeting for an increasing number who are growing "tails" and breasts and seeing their viral loads skyrocket. 22 FEAR Poetry 23 CARROT MUFFINS Recipe POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #100 December/January 1998

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5 WE'RE 100 ISSUES OLD Editorial 6 PRISONERS' JUSTICE DAY RALLY From a speech by Stuart Folland, BCPWA Advocacy Volunteer. A call for a comprehensive HIV/AIDS policy, programs of education and prevention that include medical, psychiatric and peer support for infected prisoners, reduction of HIV transmission in prisons, making safe consensual sex a non-offence for inmate populations and "dignity during the last days." 8 DMP-266 AND DEFOVIR DIPIVOXIL: 2 NEW AIDS DRUGS AVAILABLE TO PATIENTS WITHOUT TREATMENT OPTIONS Expanded access to experimental anti-HIV drugs. 12 VISION: VANCOUVER'S AIDS MEMORIAL a safe place to mourn and remember, with comfort and hope. History of the memorial and the winning design. 13 TREATMENT UPDATE Serum Triglycerides and the Fat that We Eat. Ginger for Folliculitius and Nausea. 15 A LOOK BACK: ARTICLES FROM PAST ISSUES OF BCPWA NEWS From issue 25, Funding Denied - Funding Approved! From Issue 50 - Vth International Conference for Persons With HIV/AIDS "HIV and Human Rights: From Victim to Victor." President and Advocacy Update. From Issue 76, Young Gay Men Not Heeding AIDS Message - Rates of Infection Remain High. 18 RADIO FREE P.W.A. Commentary. One World... False Hope? POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #99 October/November 1997

Publication type: 
2 AIDS WALK 97 GETS OFF ON AN ARTISTIC FOOT. BCPWA launched the 1997 AIDSWALK with a gallery exhibit of six years of contributions by artist Joe Average, O.C. 4 IN MEMORIAM KEVIN JOSEF MCCAUGHAN 21 FEBRUARY 1969 - 1 JULY 1997 5 PRINCESS DIANA LEAVES LEGACY OF CARE FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS Communty based organizations have been flooded with inquiries and donations from Canadians wanting to honour the memory of this remarkable woman. 6 A PLAGUE IGNORED Condensed from an article in "Russian Life," May 1997. The Soviets originally treated AIDS as a "Western problem, with overtones of retribution for bourgeois depravity..." 9 MARTHA STUART'S GUIDE TO DEALING WITH DISEASE Humour. 10 ADHERENCE IS PARAMOUNT FOR SUCCESS WITH "COCKTAIL" THERAPIES A patient-centred, individual approach helps find the treatment that is most effective, easiest to take and has the fewest side effects. 13 TREATMENT UPDATE Protease Inhibitors' Metabolic Side Effects: Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Blood Sugar, and "Crix Belly". 16 COCONUTS Potential health benefits of coconut oil included reducing viral load. 17 TAI CHI AND HIV: A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Exerpted from a speech given May 2, 1997 in Toronto at the Instructors and Mother's Day Banquet of the Taoist Tai Chi Society. 19 RADIO FREE P.W.A. Commentary remembering Diana POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC AIDS Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;


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