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Hepatitis C Information Sheets

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
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Street Connections
A set of five fact sheets about Hepatitis C as it affects injection drug users (IDU) produced by a mobile outreach organization in Winnipeg (Street Connections). The first sheet gives facts about types of Hep C and how the virus works in the body. The second describes safe ways to get tattoos and the risks of homemade and prison tattoos. The third sheet lists myths and facts about the virus, such as the myth that there is no cure and the fact that it can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy. The fourth sheet provides pictures and descriptions of safe and unsafe injection practices, and the fifth describes the risks associated with injecting into muscles and skin popping (injecting under skin).
Street Connections; Winnipeg; Manitoba; injection drug users; IDU; drugs; hepatitis C; Hep C; HCV; safe injection site; harm reduction; outreach; community-based organizations; community-based services