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Blueprint for Action on Women and Girls and HIV/AIDS

Publication type: 
Policy Paper / Action Plan
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Canadian AIDS Society
Canadian AIDS Society action plan and strategy for addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic among women and girls globally. A key statement throughout is that stopping the epidemic requires adequately funded, sustained, and ongoing responses from all stakeholders, from international human rights bodies to national governments to community-level bodies. These responses must include women and girls in decision-making and solution making. The Blueprint contains a list of demands in the areas of legal, ethical and human rights for women and girls; culturally relevant research on HIV/AIDS, girls and women; efforts to reduce stigma and discrimination; improved access to HIV testing and treatment; prevention and education strategies that respond to women and girls' realities; and health care models that ease women and girls' burden of providing care for others, to the neglect of their own self-care and health.
Canadian AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS; gender; women; girls; women's rights; Aboriginal; human rights; Canada; First Nations; Native; decriminalization; policy; law; legislation; access to services; treatment; prevention; awareness raising; education; educational programs; health care; social determinants of health; violence; violence against women; women's health