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Getting Off Right: A Safety Manual for Injection Drug Users

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
PDF icon chodarr0448.pdf4.06 MB
Harm Reduction Coalition
A practical guide for IDU on how to inject drugs safely, prepared by the Harm Reduction Coalition of New York. It contains information on preparation of materials, including the use of cookers and spoons, tourniquets, and dividing drugs. It gives the basics of safer injection with regard to mainlining, muscle-popping and skin-popping, from choosing an injection site to cleaning it, inserting the needle, and pulling out. It provides information on overdoses and what to do if they occur, and how to find, store, handle and dispose of injection materials. It gives facts and advice on how to address the health issues of bacterial and viral infections, as well as injuries such as bruising, tracking, vein collapse, and abscesses.
Harm Reduction Coalition; New York; mainlining; muscle popping; skin popping; overdose (OD); needles; syringes; infections; drugs; harm reduction; injection drug users; IDUs; risk reduction; Hepatitis C; Hep C; HCV; HIV/AIDS; health promotion