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Report on the Evaluation of the Community Mobilization Workshop, Pre-Workshop Activities and Workshop Follow-up Activities

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
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Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; AIDS New Brunswick; Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN); Canadi
Health Canada
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network collaborated with six Canadian community-based organizations in 2003-2004 for a project to help communities mobilize against HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination. This report presents the findings of the evaluation. Part I gives an evaluation of pre-workshop and workshop activities, based on questionnaires answered by participants. Participant learning levels and satisfaction levels were average. Part II gives an evaluation of post-workshop progress made by participants in implementing the plans they conceived at the workshop. The majority of questionnaire respondents had taken steps to implement and received positive response from their constituents. The evaluation questionnaires are reproduced in the Appendices.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; AIDS New Brunswick; Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN); Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition (CRHC); Le Group d'action pour la prevention de la transmission du VIH et l'eradication du SIDA (GAP-VIES); Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VAN DU); Voices of Positive Women (VOPW); stigma; discrimination; community mobilization; AIDS service organizations (ASOs); community organizations; advocacy; HIV; HIV/AIDS; AIDS