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Briefing Note for CBAOs: HIV Disclosure and the Criminal Law in Canada: Responding to the Media and the Public

Publication type: 
Position Paper
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Canadian AIDS Society; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
The media often sensationalizes and gives negative messages about people living with HIV who are charged or found guilty of Criminal Code offences related to HIV transmission or non-disclosure to partners. This briefing note to community-based AIDS organizations (CBAOs) gives facts about the criminal law and HIV transmission, including information on key court cases (R vs. Williams and the Cuerrier decision). It gives a series of suggested responses for CBAOs on how to respond to the media, journalists, and members of the public on these issues in ways that advocate for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS and which counter the stereotypes and myths propagated by the media.
Canadian AIDS Society; HIV disclosure; AIDS organizations; community-based AIDS organizations (CBAOs); criminal law; Williams; Cuerrier; law; legal system; criminal justice system; community-based organizations; criminal liability; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; HIV/AIDS;