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Raise your property values! Support Harm Reduction Services

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
PDF icon chodarr0471.pdf46.61 KB
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU)
A pamphlet directed at property owners in the Downtown Eastside and Strathcona areas of Vancouver. It makes the argument that supporting harm reduction services is in their interest if they believe that drug use in the neighbourhoods lower property values. It is comprised of a list of social myths surrounding drug use and provides facts that counter these myths. For example, it counters the myths that drug use causes crime and violence, and that more police are needed to solve the problem. It argues that the criminalization of drugs and the policing of drug users is what leads people to do drugs in the street and to use the black market, which produces impure and dangerous drugs. Harm reduction services like safe injection sites and having illegal drugs available on prescription can reduce the problems a community faces with regard to drug use.
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU); safe injection sites; methadone; harm reduction; IDU; injection drug use; Vancouver; Downtown Eastside; DTES; Strathcona