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Rescind Welfare Time Limits!

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
PDF icon chodarr0488.pdf40.18 KB
Activist / advocacy pamphlet opposing a recent policy on time limits on welfare. Beginning April, 2002, all people on welfare who are considered "employable" are limited to 2 years of income assistance out of every 5 years. Unlike in the US, in BC there are no support, training or transition programs to help people who hit their time limit. Welfare time limits violate people's rights to a decent standard of living and will increase poverty and homelessness. Workers should care about these issues because welfare time limits are designed to force people to accepted very low wage jobs - this can ultimately undermine working people's bargaining power with employers.
welfare policy; welfare rates; welfare cutbacks; income assistance; poverty; poor-bashing; Employment and Assistance Act; British Columbia