Publication type:
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; Human Rights Watch
A document in both French and English, describing the nomination process and the results of the 2004 Annual Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights. Award recipients include Megan Oleson, a nurse who works in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver and organized the opening of North America's first safe injection site in 2003. Pivot Legal Society, a non-profit organization that addresses legal and human rights challenges faced by sex workers, drug users and homeless people in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, also received the award. The international recipient for 2004 was the Thai Drug Users' Network (TDN) which advocates for harm reduction policies and HIV/AIDS services for drug users from a human rights perspective.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; Pivot Legal Society; DTES; Downtown Eastside; Vancouver; drug users; safe injection site; human rights; law; sex workers; supervised injection site; HIV/AIDS; Hepatitis C; HCV; Hep C; harm reduction; risk reduction; advocacy groups; IDUs; Megan Oleson; nurses; street nurses; Insite; Thai Drug Users' network (TDN); Thailand;