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For Your Information - AIDSVAX Clinical Trial Results: 2 Scenarios

Publication type: 
Position Paper
PDF icon chodarr0501.pdf174.72 KB
Canadian AIDS Society; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
A resource prepared by Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and Canadian AIDS Society for use by community organizations / the HIV/AIDS movement in handling the media once the results of the first large scale trial for an HIV/AIDS vaccine are made public. If the vaccine is shown to have little effectiveness, key messages to convey to the media and public are that prevention efforts must continue; research must continue; much has been learned to inform follow-up research; and Canada must prepare an HIV vaccine plan. If the vaccine is found to be effective, the same messages should be conveyed, since the vaccine will not be available in Canada for a long time and regardless, it will not provide 100% protection and does not represent a cure for AIDS.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; Canadian AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS vaccines; AIDSVAX; HIV prevention