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3rd National Harm Reduction Conference - Miami, Florida, October 22-25 2000. What was discussed and how Vancouver could benefit

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
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Description of each of the presentations given by a range of government, community-based and health service groups, at a harm reduction conference in 2000. Topics of the conference included the Rapid Assessment Response and Evaluation method of determining drug users' needs and appropriate services for them; drug overdose interventions; recent changes in drug policy in San Francisco; strategies for peer education; the criminal justice system in the US; the North American Opiate Medication Initiative (NAOMI) and strategies for harm reduction in Eastern Europe. The appendix discusses how information from the conference could be useful to the Vancouver situation and makes specific suggestions of issues to be discussed with groups like VANDU and policy makers.
Vancouver; US; USA; harm reduction; drug users; drugs; drug programs; IDU; injection drug users; needles; needle exchange; methadone; outreach; drug policy; overdoses