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Global Health is a Human Right! A Civil Society Common Platform for Action on HIV/AIDS and Global Health

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
PDF icon chodarr0503.pdf104.76 KB
Global Treatment Access Group (GTAG)
Report on a "Common Platform for Action" developed at a summit in Ottawa where participants discussed strategies for responding to HIV and other global health challenges. The Platform for Action recommends that Canada actively support human rights in global health issues; address gender dimensions of HIV/AIDS and health internationally; help strengthen public health systems in the developing world; take action to ensure access to affordable medicines in poor countries; ensure the right of countries to determine their own health policies and exempt them from the controls of international financial institutions; and lead efforts to cancel Third World debt.
Global Treatment Access Group (GTAG); developing countries; public health policy; human rights; gender and health; HIV treatment; access to treatment; Third World; World Trade Organization (WTO); World Bank; International Monetary Fund (IMF)