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Pros and Cons: A Guide to Creating Successful Community-Based HIV/AIDS Programs for Prisoners

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
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Prisoners' HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN)
Health Canada, Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS
PASAN is a community-based network and organization, formed in 1991, that provides education, support and advocacy to prisoners and their families on HIV/AIDS and related issues. This manual was written for HIV/AIDS service organizations and workers with little experience doing community-based programs within the prison system. Section One gives a comprehensive overview of facts and issues related to HIV positive prisoners in Canada, including the structure and operation of prisons, issues specific to female, transgender, drug-using and Aboriginal prisoners, HIV risks and available protections, and HIV treatment, care and support services. Section Two provides a step by step guide to program planning, which includes strategies and considerations when making contacts with prisons, doing outreach, and doing prevention and support programs. Section Three gives a list of further readings, useful websites, a glossary of common language and terminology used in prison, and the contact information of federal, provincial, territorial corrections institutions.
Prisoners' HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN); prison; prisoners; HIV/AIDS; HIV treatment; HIV prevention; risk reduction; harm reduction; community-based organizations; injection drug users; Canada; support services; IDU