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We are Part of a Tradition: A Guide on Two-Spirited People for First Nations Communities

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
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2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
Instructional manual on how to give culturally-sensitive workshops on two-spirited people (Aboriginal people who are transgender, gay, lesbian, bisexual). The manual begins with definitions of the terms heterosexism, homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia, heterosexual privilege. It then gives a summary of lesbian and gay rights, legislation, and precedent-setting court cases at the federal level and in each provincial / territorial jurisdiction of Canada. The bulk of the manual contains information on two-spirited people in terms of traditional teachings, history and spirituality, and information and analysis of the interactions between homophobia / prejudice and AIDS. The unique issues facing two-spirited women, men, and youth are discussed. The manual proposes a curriculum to be used to teach adults about two-spirited people. This includes information on cultural concepts to be taught; student activities and discussion; and an anti-homophobia work plan model to be used by Aboriginal communities. The manual concludes with a list of reading references, resources and organizations, and a glossary of terms.
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations; 2-Spirited; Two-Spirited; gay men; gay; gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender; gender; Aboriginal; native; First Nations; community-based organizations; aboriginal services; aboriginal programs; human rights; discrimination; AIDS; HIV/AIDS; Canada; British Columbia; BC; Ontario; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland; Nova Scotia; Northwest Territories; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon; women; youth; aboriginal organizations; prejudice; homophobia; rights;