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PASAN: Info Bulletin #5: HIV/AIDS and Prisoners: The Case Against Segregation

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Prisoners' HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN)
Info Bull. #5
PASAN is a community-based network and organization, formed in 1991, that provides education, support and advocacy to prisoners and their families on HIV/AIDS and related issues. This fifth information bulletin discusses the issue of forced segregation of prisoners with HIV/AIDS. It describes possible plans by Correctional Service Canada to create a specialized care unit in one existing federal prison, where prisoners with HIV/AIDS can "voluntarily" choose to serve their time. The bulletin argues that prisoners with HIV/AIDS would be coerced into serving their time in this particular prison and health care unit, because of the lack of quality care in other prisons. A specialized facility would enforce segregation; increase stigma and cause a loss of confidentiality; deter people from testing for fear of being sent there; and create the false impression in other prisons that HIV risk is low and that prevention practices are unnecessary.
Prisoners' HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN); crime; prison; prisoners; young offenders; HIV/AIDS; HIV; AIDS; support services; justice system; criminal justice system; educational program; prison programs; advocacy groups; Correctional Service Canada (CSC); health care