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Canadian Action Treatment Council Newsletter

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Canadian Action Treatment Council (CATC); Canadian AIDS Society; Best Medicines Coalition; LIPO-ACTI
Quarterly newsletter Volume 7, Issue 3
Quarterly publication of the Canadian Action Treatment Council (CATC), an organization whose mandate is to support access to HIV/AIDS therapies and treatments; encourage information exchange and provide skills building and mentoring to people living with HIV and AIDS. This issue contains an article on the Blueprint for Action on HIV/AIDS in Canada which outlines its priorities in the areas of care, treatment and support. Women's issues are highlighted. Other articles focus on the undemocratic nature of the pharmaceutical drug review process in Canada; the need for improved access to lipodystrophy-related health care; the need for women-specific HIV/AIDS treatment; the CATC's Five-Year Strategic Plan; and results from a newsletter survey listing readers' priorities with regard to information they would like to see.
Canadian Action Treatment Council (CATC); Canadian AIDS Society; Best Medicines Coalition; LIPO-ACTION!; pharmaceutical; access to treatment; HIV/AIDS therapies; Blueprint for Action on HIV/AIDS in Canada: Towards 2006; Blueprint; HIV/AIDS; Canada; maternal transmission; mother to child transmission; HIV risks; HIV treatment; HIV prevention; support services; medicine; drugs; women; aboriginal; health care; pregnancy; access to services;