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Myths and Realities About Migrants

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
PDF icon chodarr1362.pdf568.8 KB
No One is Illegal - Vancouver
A pamphlet by No One is Illegal - Vancouver, a grassroots anti-colonial immigrant and refugee rights movement and organization. It debunks common myths and assumptions about migrants, such as the myth that non-status migrants and refugees are given priority over other immigrants; that migrants take away jobs; that Canada cannot afford to let more migrants in; that Canada's refugee policy is adequate and fair to all; and that non-status migrants will be criminals and terrorists. The pamphlet counters each of these myths with evidence and points to the racism inherent in each of these assumptions.
No One is Illegal; Vancouver; immigrants; immigration; refugees; activism; activists; advocacy; aboriginal people; aboriginal land; native land; advocacy groups; racism; Canada; migrants; migrant workers