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Racial Profiling

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
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No One is Illegal - Vancouver
A pamphlet by No One is Illegal - Vancouver, a grassroots anti-colonial immigrant and refugee rights movement and organization. It describes racial profiling of immigrants, refugees, and non-citizens that is on the increase in Canada. These include increased budgets for detentions for immigrants; the new creation of the Canadian Border Services Agency; the on-going push for Bill C-18 which would violate potential immigrants' rights to privacy; security certificates being used to deport permanent residents and other non-citizens; the Safe Third Country Agreement which bars asylum seekers to come to Canada through the U.S.; and the recent arrests and detention of Muslim men under the RCMP's "Operation Thread".
No One is Illegal; Vancouver; immigrants; immigration; migrants; migrant workers; Canada; refugees; activism; activists; advocacy; aboriginal people; aboriginal land; native land; advocacy groups; racism; racial profiling