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Community Action Kit - HIV Vaccines and Human Rights Information Sheets

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
PDF icon chodarr1503.pdf919.92 KB
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
A series of twelve information sheets related to HIV/AIDS, vaccines and human rights issues produced by the HIV/AIDS Legal Network. The information sheets introduce key concepts in understanding HIV vaccines and human rights. The issues addressed around HIV vaccines trials include: 1. The basics 2. HIV/AIDS, vaccines and human rights 3. Approval of HIV vaccines trials 4. Ensuring community participation in making decisions about HIV vaccine trials 5. Informed consent and voluntary participation 6. The right to prevention 7. Human rights concerns for women 8. Human rights concerns for children and adolescents 9. Human rights and involvement of vulnerable populations 10. Human rights and access to licensed HIV vaccines 11. HIV vaccines, microbicides and treatment 12. A glossary and resources for additional information
advocacy; Canada; drug testing; community participation; HIV; HIV/AIDS; HIV/AIDS Legal Network; human rights; information sheet; prevention; treatment; vaccine; vaccination