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A Feminist Approach to Pap Tests (revised edition)

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
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Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC)
BC Ministry of Health
An education manual for women who have received an abnormal Pap result, written by the Vancouver Women's Health Collective, a feminist non-profit organization. The manual raises concerns about the tendency of health care providers to act quickly and invasively when a woman receives an abnormal Pap result. The manual encourages women to understand and explore all options available, including 'alternative' practices. It includes descriptive and explanatory sections on Pap tests at different stages of a woman's life, test results, cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), possible causes associated with cervical cancer, and prevention and treatment of cervical cancer. The manual is set within a feminist critical framework, coming out of the women's health movement.
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); Pap tests; menstruation; cervical cancer; cancer; sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); birth control; sexuality; alternative therapy; social determinants of health; gender-based analysis; women and health; women's health; health; women's health movement; feminism; feminist organization; gender and health