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Lesbian Life Workshop

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
PDF icon chodarr0664.pdf652.15 KB
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC)
An outline and handout for the Vancouver Women's Health Collective's workshop on lesbian life. The document was filed with excerpts from "Stepping out of Line: A Workbook on Lesbianism and Feminism" by Nym Hughes, Yvonne Johnson and Yvette Perreault (1984), and the essay "I am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities," by Audre Lorde. The workshop outline lists topics such as heterosexual privilege, lesbian culture, homophobia, and lesbians of colour, among other. The handout accompanying the outline is called "What is Homophobia?", a 1-page document containing a list of questions the reader would ask of him or herself that indicate homophobic beliefs (i.e.- "Have you ever wished that gay men and lesbians weren't so blatant or open about being gay?")
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); lesbian; sexuality; gender and health; women and health; social determinants of health; gender-based analysis; feminism; discrimination; awareness raising; homophobia; workshop