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Impacting Women: Provincial Government Cuts to Health Care

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
PDF icon chodarr0735.pdf99.38 KB
BC Health Coalition (BCHC); Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC)
A fact sheet produced by the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC) and the BC Health Coalition (BCHC). The fact sheet identifies the strain of funding cuts to health care on women in Canada, who statistically make less money than men. The fact sheet addresses MSP premiums and cuts to services under the BC health care system, problems with the PharmaCare system, home care and the stresses one women who are often caretakers with little to no support, and privatization of health care in Canada. As well, the fact sheet considers health care workers, most of which are women, and the negative implications of funding cuts to women's centres in BC.
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); BC Health Coalition (BCHC); funding cuts; inequality; gender and health; women and health; women's health; BC health system; Medical Services Plan (MSP); PharmaCare; privatization; health care workers; social determinants of health; gender-based analysis