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Public Health Care: A Right for All Women

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Vancouver Women's Health Collective
A poster advertising the event "Public Health Care: A Right for all Women," in celebration of the 16th International Day of Action For Women's Health. The event was co-sponsored by the Vancouver Women's Health Collective, the BC Health Coalition, BC Nurses' Union, Council of Canadians, Hospital Employees Union, National Action Committee on the Status of Women- BC Society, BC Government and Service Employees' Union, and WE*ACT (Women Elders In Action). The poster advertises women activists, women workers, women's health information, refreshments and music.
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); women and health; activism; women's health; International Day of Action for Women's Health; BC health system; women and work; coalition building; rights; women's organizations; non-profit organizations; community-based health; discussion forum