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A Beginner's Guide to Women and the Privatization of Health

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
PDF icon chodarr0743.pdf5.88 MB
Grassroots Women
This education manual, produced by Grassroots Women, provides information about the privatization of health care in Canada and globally from an anti-imperialist class- and gender-based perspective. The booklet addresses questions such as "what does privatization have to do with health?," "what does privatization look like in third world countries?," "why is privatization a women's issue?," and "if privatization is so bad, then why is it happening?" These questions, as well as others, are answered in an accessible manner, with examples from the BC health care system as well as examples of health care, privatization, and resistance movements in the Philippines, Africa, and El Salvador. The booklet also encourages women to get involved in the Grassroots Women's Health Committee, and their "Health for All!" campaign.
Grassroots Women; grassroots; women's organizations; women and health; women's health; privatization; health information dissemination; gender-based analysis; class; class discrimination; health workers; globalization; deregulation; health care; human rights; BC health system; medical benefits; medical services; The Live-In Caregiver Program; user fees; public health; Public Private Partnerships; third world; social determinants of health;