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Impacting Women: Provincial Government Cuts to Health Care

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
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Vancouver Women's Health Collective
This speech, by Caryn Duncan, Executive Director of the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC), was presented at the UBC Centre for Feminist Legal Studies at their International Women's Day event in March, 2005. The speech addresses the cuts to health care and women's centres that work to negatively impact women's lives, from women who use the services provided by women's centres, to women who both access and make up the majority of health care workers. It examines social determinants of health through a gender-based analysis, and provides statistics to show the ways that increases in Medical Services Plan (MSP) user fees, cuts to welfare, closures of residential care facilities, reduced home support services, privatization of the health care industry and loss of unionized jobs, all impact women at a disproportionate level than men.
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); women and health; women's health; funding cuts; women's organizations; BC provincial government; access to services; legal assistance; International Women's Day; coalition building; BC Health Coalition; user fees; inequality; inequity; statistics; Medical Services Plan (MSP); PharmaCare; seniors; women and welfare; health care workers; Vancouver Coastal Health Authority; patient's rights; BC health system; privatization; public private partnership; advocacy; public policy; gender-based analysis; University of British Columbia (UBC); social determinants of health