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Breaking Barriers: Helping Health Care Professionals Help Women, A Proposal for the Ministry of Health

Publication type: 
Project Proposal / Grant Application
PDF icon chodarr0785.pdf124.12 KB
Vancouver Women's Health Collective
This project proposal of the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC), proposes to educate health care professionals about women's needs and experiences of birth control and abortion services, in a workshops getting, in order to inform health care professionals about the resources available in the community and to break social stigma around sexuality, birth control, and abortion. The proposal includes a rationale, the project's aims, goals, proposed format, the benefits, and time frame. There is also a preliminary outline of the resource manual (that would be produced alongside the workshops), and a workshop outline.
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); women and health; women's health; education; doctors; health promotion; health care; health programs; workshops; awareness raising; gender-based analysis; community-based health; health information dissemination; birth control; abortion access to services; sexuality; community-based services; BC Ministry of Health;