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2005/06 Annual Report: Vancouver Women's Health Collective

Publication type: 
Annual Report
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Vancouver Women's Health Collective
The 2005/06 annual report of the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC) provides a summary of the work done by the organization in its "Year in Review" section, highlighting the visioning and strategic planning of the staff and volunteers, the move to a more modest location, continued advocacy work for women, and media work on various issues related to women's health. The report also outlines the consultation, presentations and community events either hosted or participated in by members of the VWHC. The report describes the growth in the number of women accessing the VWHC workshops, and the work of the VWHC health information centre. The report lists members, donors, steering committee members and staff, and includes a financial statement for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2006.
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); women's organizations; evaluation