Publication type:
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
Vancouver Women's Health Collective
Speaking notes for Caryn Duncan of the Vancouver Women's Health Collective, for an International Women's Day Event held in Langley, March 6, 2003. The speech describes the BC CEDAW report to the United Nations, and failure of the BC provincial government to live up to its commitment to women's equality, through funding cuts to women's centres, cuts to legal aid, changes in eligibility for welfare, the abolition of the Human Rights Commission, etc. The speech also describes the criticism of the UN against Canada for failing to live up to its commitment to working towards women's equality.
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); Caryn Duncan; Committee for Ending Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW); United Nations; equality; Be provincial government; funding cuts; discrimination welfare; Ministry of Women's Equality; human rights; poverty; inequality; legal issues; legal assistance; women and welfare; women and work; immigrants; aboriginal women; young women; International Women's Day (IWD)