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Impacting Women: Provincial Government Cuts to Health Care

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
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Vancouver Women's Health Collective
Speaking notes for Caryn Duncan of the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC), for a speech given at Langara College on November 3, 2005. The speech, called "Impacting Women: Provincial Government Cuts to Health Care" imposes a gender-based analysis upon the BC health care system, the funding cuts to programs and services, the funding cuts to BC women's centres, and the disproportionate affect this has on women in BC.
Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); Caryn Duncan; health; women's health; funding cuts; women's organizations; BC provincial government; BC health system; Medical Services Plan (MSP); PharmaCare; seniors; advocacy; statistics; inequality; access to services; assisted living; housing; elections- provincial; support services; health care workers; privatization; service provision; lobbying; equality; Committee to End Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW); Women's Task Force; gender inequality; gender-based analysis; cosmetic surgery; BC College of Physicians and Surgeons; feminists