Publication type:
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
BC Health Coalition; Vancouver Women's Health Collective
Speaking notes for Caryn Duncan, community co-chair of the BC Health Coalition and Executive Director of the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC). The notes are for Ontario Health Coalition's Health Action Assembly and Teach-In, 2004. The speech describes the BC health system's turn towards privatization and the implications on BC residents. Duncan argues for an increase in health care funding, a commitment to public health care, and an end to the drive towards privatization.
Caryn Duncan; BC Health Coalition; Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC); privatization; BC health system; health care; funding cuts; cutbacks; public private partnerships (P3s); Pharmacare; Medical Services Plan (MSP); privacy; health care workers; women and work; wait lists; determinants of health; women's organizations;