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Positive Okanagan - Volume 12, Issue 1

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Living Positive Resource Centre, Okanagan
A quarterly newsletter produced by Living Positive Resource Centre (LPRC), Okanagan. This issue includes: an article about support from the Central Okanagan Teacher's Association (COTA); an update on World AIDS Day ceremony; a call for nominations for AccolAIDS; an article about new drugs for hepatitis B virus; Notes from the Board of Directors; a warning from Health Canada about the protease inhibitor VIRACEPT; the Topher Talks column is about the movie Bucket List; a message from James Banko about client communication; Richard's Rant is about the winter and being thankful; the Clients' Notice Board; introductions to new staff members and goodbye to Paula Pentecost; "In Remembrance" for Michael Saya-Moore and Dr. Gary Randhawa; news from the Okanagan Aboriginal AIDS Society (OAAS); an article about semen; info about tax time assistance and LPRC's support of the "Holding Hands for Hospice" initiative; the Events Page has info about "Dining out for Life" and other fundraisers.
AIDS service organization (ASO); harm reduction; HIV/AIDS; volunteers