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Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #64 February 1993

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RAGE AND RESENTMENT When unjustly attacked, we can draw on righteous anger for refuge and strenght. Rage can make us fearless and invincible--we awe our attackers and vanquish them with sudden strength. Our anger thus becomes a force for good: righteous rage rings true, restores order, hastens justice; KRAMER VS. THE WORLD In what he calls his last interview, author-activist Larry Kramer passes judgement on America's cultural, political, and medical elite. Excerpted from Victor Zonana's interview in The Advocate December 16, 1992; COMFORT, CONTROL & DIGNITY Proposed Clinical Criteria for Physician-Assisted Suicide. Extracted from "Care for the Hopelessly Ill" by Timothy E. Quill, MD, Christine, K. Cassel, MD and Diane E. Meler in Last Rights Issue #7; RIGHT TO ASSISTED SUICIDE Sue Rodriguez is challenging the law prohibiting assisted suicide. The British Columbia Coalition of People with Disabilities, of which the Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society is a member, has been granted intervenor status and maintains that people with disabilities have "a right to have a choice on all matters relating to their own person, including the right to die"; HEALTH CARE "CHANGING VIEWS" Summary document of the Royal Commission on Health Care and Costs available; HOUSING OPTIONS Recommendations from "The Report of the Provincial Commission on Affordable Housing Options" regarding PWAs; KUDOS; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. NEWS FROM THE KOOTENAYS West Kootenay/Boundary AIDS Network Outreach Support Society formed. AYE, THERE'S THE RUB reminder that only Registered Massage Therapists are legally entitled to practise or offer to practise massage. OOPS AGAIN Right to Die Society clarifies stance; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. D4T OVERVIEW: Test Tube Data, Clinical Trials, Access, Where Does d4T Fit In? WOMEN AND HIV UPDATE Opportunistic Infections & Immune Function in Women, Menstrual Problems in HIV, Risk for Cervical Cancer in HIV-Positive Women. A LANDMARD IN QUEST FOR AIDS VACCINE Weakened and killed virus in vaccine research. COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES SURVEY. HEPATITIS C New findings; STRYKERNEWS: Board Membership, Income Tax Time, Bridge. Health and Welfare Canada Warning on neglected filters in water purifiers. Call to complete questionnaire on accepting drug company money. Blood testing is back. Punch Lines, sharing the news that one is HIV+ with those who are not near and dear; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON; THE QUILT: A SPREAD OF HOPE Impact of the Names Project Foundation's AIDS Memorial Quilt and announcement of Vancouver showing; CHARACTERISTICS OF LONG-TERM SURVIVORS OF AIDS Extracted from Surviving AIDS by Michael Callen. HIV - A PROBLEM? HIV-free: Although spared AIDS, some men are ridden with guilt adn depression as they watch their friends die around them; OXFAM - CANADA Development agency on AIDS and poverty in developing nations and the role of international financial structures that spread rather than combat poverty; THE HEALING CIRCLE Personal reflection on the experience of the Healing Circle; REACHING THE DEAF ABOUT AIDS A group of concerned people are attempting to form a project similar to the Toronto Deaf Outreach Project and are hoping to increase access to AIDS prevention education in the Deaf Community and to create a support system for people who are HIV+ and Deaf; STEPPING OUT. ARIAS FOR AIDS Pacific AIDS Resource Centre Capital Campaign is underway including a benefit concert of opera's greatest hits entitled "Arias for AIDS"; THE VANCOUVER THEATRE COMMUNITY PRESENTS THEATRE CARES WEEK FEBRUARY 28 TO MARCH 6 Fundraising announcements; IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT BEING ALIVE This spring a compelling Movement-Drama about living with HIV is coming your way; THE BALTIMORE WALTZ Pink Ink Theatre Productions presents the hilarious and deeply moving play about death and loss The Baltimore Walk by Paula Vogel; LOVING AND LIVING WITH THE AIDS VIRUS Personal reflection; PIN MEMORY OF GREGG D. DEDICATED TO BRUCE A. Poetry; IN FETAL CURL Poetry; VOCATION I Poetry; P.A.R.C. BENCH GOSSIP Library news; PEER COUNSELLORS CORNER New training program for future counsellors. Call for volunteers; CLASSIFIEDS. WHO YOU GONNA CALL? FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS. NOTICE BOARD. HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Right to Die; Assisted Suicide;