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Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #72 October 1993

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MULTIPLE DIAGNOSIS - WHOSE PROBLEM? Canadian AIDS Society and Candian HIV Therapies Committee submit concerns regarding the issues of HIV/AIDS and its impact related to the issues of dual diagnosis and multiple diagnosis; EXECUTIVE AND BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE; PERSONNEL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES; 2001: AN AIDS ODDITY Correcting the lack of credit for the article "AIDS in America: 2001"; PATTERNS OF MIGRATION FOR PERSONS WITH HIV/AIDS Report on a joint project of the Vancouver PWA Society and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS whose objective is to examine how the need for treatment and care affects where persons with HIV/AIDS in British Columbia choose to live; AIDS STATISTICS Numbers from the WHO and the US; STRYKERNEWS. Commentary on the responsibility for spreading AIDS; THE HEARTBREAK CONTINUES Psoriasis; ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS: AVOIDING QUACKERY Guidelines that can help you determine what is valid and what is fraud; FOR JAMES Poetry; LONG-TERM SURVIVORS Some research on the physical, psychological and lifestyle factors that may be involved in why some people continue to have high CD4 counts 10 to 14 years after becoming infected; TREATMENT ACTIVISTS WORKSHOP Report from a meeting of treatment activsts held in Toronto with guidelines on basic research and clinical trials research; US TO TEST MICROGENESYS AIDS VACCINE AFTER FIRM TORPEDOES BROADER STUDY The politics of vaccine development in the USA. News from the FDA on ddC and adverse effects of nucleoside analogues. New formulation of Interleukin-2 in Phase I trails; VANCOUVER PARKS & RECREATION LEISURE ACCESS CARD Free and discounted access to Parks & Recreation facilities; NUTRITION NOTE VITAMIN E; HEALTH AND NUTRITION Nutrients and herbs to fortify the immune system; EAT, EAT, ALREADY Whole Meal Tuna Salad; BILLY'S CORNER Commentary; YOU MAKE ME FEEL SOMETHING NEW Poetry; WHEN I'M OLD AND WISE Poetry, a note of appreciation; EIGHTH ANNUAL GRIEF CONFERENCE Extending Life/Prolonging Death-Medical Ethics at the End of Life. Event annoucement; HAROLD MENDL AUG 20, 1956 - AUG 30, 1993; KUDOS; A-ASAP: THE ASIAN-SUPPORT AIDS PROJECT Focusing on community education and resource developement to support the gay Asian community then the general Asian community; WOMEN'S HIV CAUCUS The HIV Women's Caucus was formed to provide a time and place for HIV+ women to discuss advocacy issues; PERSONS WITH AIDS SOCIETY - VICTORIA BRANCH Activities for October, call for nominations and election of management committee, job opportunity; DR. TERRY TAFOYA: BIOGRAPHY Dr. Tafoya will be speaking as part of the AIDS Awareness Week Lecture Series on the topic of "Traveller's Tales: Cultural and Communication Issues in HIV Management"; THE 7TH ANNUAL BRITISH COLUMBIA AIDS CONFERENCE Event announcement, special rate for persons living with HIV/AIDS; CLASSIFIEDS; NEW PEER COUNSELLING TRAINING; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON. NOTICEBOARD. PWA WANTS YOU! Newsletter volunteers needed; BOARD ANNOUNCES NEW DIRECTORS, CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR ONE VACANCY;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Grief; End of Life; Women and HIV/AIDS;