PROGRAM COMMITTEE UPDATE The Program Committee is an expansion of Holistic Committee and is planning a spring retreat, revamping the library, and has compiled a list of all programs covered by the Committee; NEW POLICIES FOR MEMBERSHIP AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Three tiered membership policy adopted; TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Letter regarding the recent passing of Bill 34, Amendments to the Health Act, call to amend the Provincial Human Rights Code; CONGRATULATIONS Brian Peel appointed Executive Director of AIDS Vancouver; MCLAREN HOUSE OFFERS ALTERNATIVE Low cost independent housing available for PWAs, PWARCs; SOME QUALIFY FOR DEDUCTION Tax deduction available to qualified individuals who are disabled; HOLISTIC ENERGY GROUP Invitation to form energy balancing group; SPIRITUAL CORNER; REIKI available; ONGOING EVENTS; PERSONAL NOTES;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition