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Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #42 November 1990

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RX: AZT. Health Canada issues Burroughs Wellcome a certificate of compliance certifying that AZT has demonstrated in trials that it it sufficiently safe and effective. The Society is concerned about the cost of the drug and whether sufficient monitoring of patients recieving the drug will continue. The Society calls on the BC Ministry of Health to make AZT and other AIDS drugs available a low or zero cost; TREMENDOUS SUCCESS: "WALK FOR LIFE '90" Annual fundraiser gets $75,000 in pledges; EXTERNAL RELATIONS Report from the External Relations Chair on Vancouver PWA Society's participation in the Canadian AIDS Society, the Canadian Conference on AIDS, the second International Non-Governmental Organizations Conference, the 5th International Conference for PWA/HIVs, the Canadian National PLWHIV Network and on gather information on discrimination to aid in lobbying efforts; HOUSING UPDATE for those interested in Housing Co-ops; BOARD ACTIVE Three new appointees to the Board of Directors, new meeting times; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: INTRAVENOUS GANCILOVIR FOR CMV RETINITIS. RESEARCH ON LONG-TERM USE OF ddI. SALK VACCINE RESEARCH. VITAMIN C CITED AS A DRUG FOR AIDS. HYPERTHERMIA: RISKY AND ASTRONOMICALLY EXPENSIVE. ISOPRINOSINE FOR ASYMPTOMATICS? AZT: WHEN TO START AND HOW MUCH TO TAKE?; TREATMENT REGISTRY STARTING Treatment Information System for AIDS and HIV computerised system in design phase; CALENDAR; ONGOING EVENTS; DAY WITHOUT ART December 1st, 1990 marks World AIDS Day and the second annual DAy without Art, an international day of observance and mourning; WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS Call for participation in an information and education project related to Day Without Art at the Vancouver Art Gallery; WORLD AIDS DAY Information on events surrounding World AIDS Day; WHO AGAINST AIDS DISCRIMINATION 41st World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization adopts resolution; DISCRIMINATION We are looking for instances of discrimination in employment, housing, access to health care, access to public services, etc. to assist in lobbying for changes to human rights legislation; WARD'S RETREAT A PLACE FOR LOVE Information on Ontario retreat for people living with AIDS and HIV; AIDS ANTHEM The Institute of Communication Arts' song writing contest includes a category for an official song for AIDS Vancouver; SPEAK UP! SPEAK OUT! WOMEN LIVING WITH HIV AND AIDS Call for submissions for international anthology documenting the voices and visions of women living with AIDS and HIV; BRIAN Poetry, apology for omiting two lines last issue; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY I Poetry; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY Poetry; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; FREE LEGAL ADVICE At the Gay and Lesbian Centre; PWA BOOKS WHERE ARE YOU? Bring back your overdue materials; MAILING LIST UPDATE; LEBIAN AND GAY DISABLED ACTIVITY GROUP Support group at the BC Coalition of People with Disabilities; MOVIE NIGHT FRIDAY Event announcement; NEED SOME ASSISTANCE WITH HOUSING? Options for assistance with housing; HOT LINE Peer counselling phone line; HELPLINE Volunteers needed; NOTICEBOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition