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Living + May/June 2007 - Issue 48

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02 THINK + Opinion & Editorial. Standing Up for What's Right. Boycott successful, Abbott ends unfair drug pricing. 03 REALITY BITES. News from home & around the world. Vancouver Hospital Move Draws Fire. Legal Network Releases Plan to Fix Drug Access. Resistance Emerges in First Months of Treatment. China Holds First Gay HIV Clinic. Researchers Find Protein That Blocks HIV. Australian PM Backs Down Over Ban. NYC to Promote Circumcision to Gay Men. Chinese Company to Develop CCR5 Inhibitor. Green Tea has Anti-HIV Effect in Test Tube. 05 COMMUNITY REPRESENTATION AND ENGAGEMENT A Winning Formula. The BC government finally agrees to provide safe infant formula to all HIV-positive mothers. 06 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Be Prepared Part II. A group of disability organizations is researching emergency plans to determine how they can be improved for people with disabilities. 08 THE TANZANIA DIARIES In the first of four installments, a BCPWA staffer recounts her two-month stint helping fight the HIV/AIDS battle in Africa. 09 HIV ACTIVISM, THEN AND NOW Tough Work -- But Someone's Gotta Do It. HIV activism has changed dramatically since the early days, and now it
BCPWA, AIDS Service Organizations, Treatment Information, Gay Men, Women, Complementary and Alternative Treatments, Advocacy, Nutrition, Antiretrovirals (ARVs), IVDUs, Immunology, Drug Pricing, Benefits, Emergency Preparedness, Africa, Tanzania, Activism, History, Work, Positive Prevention, Funding, Lung Cancer, Drug Plans, Catastrophic Drug Coverage, Anal Dysplasia, Anal Cancer, Conference Reports, Food Security