Crouse, Tina; Hlucky, Cathy; Mintzes, Barb; Penrowley, Colleen; Rines, Barb; Thompson, Maggie; Zaback, Lorna
Vancouver Women's Health Collective
A newsletter produced by the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC). This issue includes: Toxic Shock Syndrome- Still With Us; Health Collective Update- National Networking; Dalkon Shield- The Plot Thickens; Reproductive Technologies- Who's In Control; Apartheid and Health; Health Shorts; Announcements and Notices
women and health; women's health; toxic shock syndrome; Dalkon Shield; birth control; new reproductive technologies; South Africa; apartheid; infertility; self help; workshop; Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID); smoking; hysterectomy; gender-based analysis; poverty; mental health; book review