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DEW Drop-In Newsletter

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Elliott, Freeda; Ilona; Raven; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Harvest Dinner at Centre; Women's Centre Guidelines: clean up after yourself, clothing room, donations, look after your belongings, laundry, smoking, phones, bus tickets, no drugs or alcohol, bathrooms 5min max., treat each other with respect; New Staff; Interim Exectutive Director Lauren Howes, Programmer Jennifer England; Out On Screen Film and Video Festival; End Legislative Poverty starting Organizer's Training Group; Announcements: Thank You to United Native Nations for Donation of Long Tables; Calendar; Regualar Programming: Learing Group, Street Nurse, Popular Education Group, Women's Voice, Women Surviving Together, Creative Writing Group, Support Gathering for Women with HIV/AIDS; Arts and Crafts Workshops: Beading with Leona, Fabric Arts with Freeda, Dreamcathcers; Message from Ilona; Valentine's Prayer for forgiveness and caring towards one another; Update on Skills Development Project; Volunteer Coordinator and Volunteer Orientation; Stopping the Violence Worker (Carol) - the cycle of abuse explained; includes list of abusive characteristics and patterns; Recipes: Tomato soup with salmon and grated romano or parmesan cheese; Poem - Invisibility by Raven
Harvest Dinner; Women's Centre Guidelines; New Staff; Good-bye from fundraisers; End Legislative Poverty; Announcements; Calendar; Message from Ilona; Update on Skills Development Project; Physical Abuse cycle; Recipes; Poem