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DEW Drop-In Newsletter

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Jennifer; McGowan, Rose-Anna; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Outings are back; Jennifer new drop-in programmer; Good-bye to Denise, Drew, Alix, and Heather; Music Jam first friday of every month; Bridge Housing Society for women is accepting applications now - description of Bridge Housing included in this issue; Victim Notification Unit - victims of crime have legal right to info throughout justice process; Volunteer News; Letter; Recommendations for new Skills Development Project Coordinator; Important News from Centre Letter; Calendar: Learning Group; BWSS; Street Nurse; Popular Education Group; Womens Voice; Creative Writing Group; Support Gathering for Women who are living with HIV/AIDS; Arts and Crafts Workshops - Beading with Leona; Fabric Arts with Freeda; Dreamcatchers; Traditional Healing Myth or Medicine?; New Staff welcome Cory; Remembrance Day Letter; Remembering and Honouring Letter about Cherry Kingsley; Poems - Dear Women and He with the Revolving Eye-Balls by Rose-Anna McGowan; Women's March 2000; Womens Rights Tribunal short letter
Letters; Women Fighting for Peace; Friday Night Jam at Centre; Housing in downtown eastside; Bridge Housing Society for Women; Victim Notification Unit; Volunteer News; News; Calendar; Traditional Healing; Remembrance Day letter; Christmas; Creative writing letters