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DEW Drop-In Newsletter

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Cardinal, Carol; Keyespapmatao, Marie; Bouse, Peggy; Smith, Loama; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
DEWC's 25 Anniversary (established Mar 21/78) with Mission Statement, purpose and cause for celebration; International Women's Day - information and role of United Nations and Status of Women; Racism - info on and relation with International Peace Movements; Calendar; Workshops; Regular Programs: Chinese Women's Group (CWS), Computers, Library Literarcy, Literacy Workshp, Health and Nutrition (Food and Health), French Speaking Group, Newsletter Group, Resume Workshop, Storytelling with Erin; Street Nurse; Women's Voice; Arts and Crafts Workshops: Beading with Denny or Louise; Crochet with Anna; Fabric Arts with Freeda; Dreamcatchers; Evening Programs: Organizer's Training (ELP), Battered Women Support Services (BWSS), Alcohol and Drug Harm Reduction Group, Music Jam; Horoscopes; Hepatitis C FAQ's; Poems - One Day at a Time by Carol Cardinal, Why Is It by Marie Keyespapmatao; Angel's Kiss by Peggy Bouse; Our BC Rain by Loama Smith
DEWC 25th Anniversary; International Women's Day; Status of Women Canada; United Nations; Calendar; Workshops; Chinese Women's Group; Computers; Literacy Workshp; Health and Nutrition; French Speaking Group; Newsletter Group; Resume Workshop; Storytelling; Music Jam; Hepatitis C; Medical Advocacy; Legal Advocacy; YWCA; Poems; Racism; International Peace Movement