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DEW Drop-In Newsletter

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Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Updates for October: Legal Advocacy Program - advocate Liza; Stopping the Violence Program - counsellor Carol; Victim Services Program - worker Mira; Mental Health Program - advocates Christine and Geraldine; Outreach Program - worker Carol; Aunt Dee's Garden of Your Daily Living - Ask Aunt Dee; Harvest Dinner is this month; Too much gossiping in centre and badmouthing in centre; Massage; Recipes: Healthy options for people with diabetes - Tortilla Pizza Melts; Calendar; Regular Programming: Chinese Women's Group; Creative Writing Group; Library Literacy; French Speaking Group; Resume Workshop; Self-Care Drop-In; Street Nurse; Women's Voice; Arts and Crafts Workshops; Beading with Denny; Crochet with Freeda; Dreamcatchers; Evening Programming; Organizer's Training; BWSS; Alcohol and Drug Harm Reduction Group; Music Jam; Women's Health Clinic; Horoscopes; Getting back to work are you ready? at Job Shop; Canada's First Nations College; Aboriginal Mother Centre; Green Light District; Putting Violence Against Women Back on the Social Agenda; Record your stories; Let your voice be heard!; Women's Advocacy and Education Support Group
Updates for October; Ask Aunt Dee; Massage; Recipes; Calendar; Horoscopes; Getting Back to Work are you ready?; Canada's First Nations College; Green Light District; Record your stories; Women's Advocacy and Education Support Group; violence