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DEW Drop-In Newsletter

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Reid, Leona; Diana; Cynthia; Eskenazy, Annie; Lands, Maria; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Upcoming Events - Christmas card pick-up and drop-off for mailing; Sew stockings with Freda; Wreath making with Freda; Christmas Dinner Tickets given out; DEWC AGM; Outing to Vandeusan Garden Festival of Lights; DEWC Pancake Breakfast; Community Consultation Report; Poem - New Beginning; News from Management Team; HIV news - HIV it's not just another disease; immune system; Vaccines- That's how vaccines work; Proposed By-Law Changes; Calendar - Chinese Women's Group; Massage; Resume workshop; Street Nurse, Christina; Sweat Lodge; Cares(Community Art Recovery Education Society); Painting; Crochet with Anna and Freda; Fabric Arts with Freda; Evening Programming; Music Jam; Community Kitchen; Women's Health Clinic; BWSS; Taiko Drumming; Healing Circle; December 1 - HIV/ AIDS Day; December 10 - International Day for elimination of Violence against women; 3rd Annual International Day to end violence against sex workers; Letter by Diana; Response by Cynthia; Native of Country of Israel letter; Merry Christmas to Lost Sister letter
Up-Coming Events; Community Consultation Report; Poem; News from Management Team; Vaccines; Proposed Changes to Bylaws at DEWC; Calendar; HIV updates; AGM; Register for Christmas Bureau; Poetry