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DEW Drop-In Newsletter

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April; Williams, Bernie; Susie Q.; Stevens, Bonnie E.; Barton, Selina; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
What's going on at the Centre - Revolution or Evolution; Mask making with Bernie Williams; Welfare Applications; Christmas Hamper Giveaway; Christmas Brunch; New Years Brunch; News from the Management Team; Safe Housing Sit In; WEAVE Project; New Centre Hours; Young Women and Girls Night Out at the DEWC; Well Here I am; FAS/FAE/NAS; Memories of Our Sisters; Regular Programming; Chinese Women's Group; Massage; Conversation Cafe; Street Nurses; Sweat Lodge; Arts and Crafts Workshops; Painting with Tara; Crochet with Freda and Anna; Sewing Circle with Freda; Beading with Leona; Ceramics; Fabric Arts with Diane; Evening Programming; Grief and Loss; BWSS; Power of Women 2 Women; Healing Circle; Taiko Drumming; Karaoke; Community Kitchen; Open letter from Selina Barton; At the Heli-Pad on a Crisp Morning; Destiny Unravelling; DEWC Christmas Dinner
Upcomming Events; News from the Management Team; Safe Housing Sit In; WEAVE Project; New Centre Hours; Welfare Applications; Young Women and Girls Night Out at the DEWC; Poems; Regular Programming; Arts and Crafts; Evening Programming; Letter from Selina Barton; Pictures from the Harvest Dinner; DEWC Christmas Dinner