McCandless, Kate; Hansen, Lu; Deringer, Ingrid; Berton, Alexa; Vermeulen, Helen; Dohlen, Valda
Vancouver Women's Health Collective
A newsletter produced by the Vancouver Women's Health Collective (VWHC). This issue includes: M.E. The Invisible Disability; Therapist and Doctor Shopping; Accessing Abortion in BC: What are Our Options?; New books of Note; Caring for Yourself: Healthy Alternatives Premenstrual Syndrome; News Flashes; Announcements and Notices
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME); women and health; women's health; stress; fatigue; chronic illness; depression; therapist; access to services; abortion; The Everywoman's Health Centre; Elizabeth Bagshaw Women's Clinic; counselling; support services; BC health system; Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS); alternative therapy; herbal; condoms; female condoms