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Action Program to Confront the Liberal Government and Crisis in BC

Publication type: 
Policy Paper / Action Plan
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Anti-Poverty Committee Members for Reorganizing and Restructuring
This document proposes an action plan for the strategic restructuring of the Anti-Poverty Committee through consideration of its goals, organization, campaigns, and structure. It is written in response to internal and external criticism of the group and the disjuncture between campaigns and the current structure of the organization. The overall strategy focuses on outreach, education, priorities of the organization, as well as outlines its campaigns and develops analysis linking gender, race, class and other oppressions. In terms of restructuring, it focuses on its organizational structure (meetings, committees, and so on), membership criteria, and codes of conduct in order to increase the groups accountability, security, and effectiveness.
Anti-Poverty Committee; BC Liberals; strategy; tactics; organizational capacity building; community mobilization; membership; social movement; social housing; training wage