Publication type:
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Press release containing statements by a group of national HIV/AIDS organizations against federal Health Minister Tony Clement's announcement to defer a decision on whether to extend Insite's trial period to December 2007, claiming more research is needed. The organizations argue that the research has already proven that Insite has lowered rates of HIV, HCV, mortality, and syringe sharing, and that the program increases the likelihood that drug users will move on to addiction treatment services. The federal government's stalling tactics are motivated by political ideology rather than sound policy making that is in the public interest.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; Insite; safe injection site; HIV/AIDS; harm reduction; risk reduction; Hepatitis C; HCV; Hep C; Vancouver; DTES; Downtown Eastside; supervised injection site; drug users; injection drug users