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British Columbia Youth Health Trends: A Retrospective, 1992-2003

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
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The McCreary Centre Society
British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development; British Columbia Ministry of Health Se
This report provides an overview of adolescent health trends in British Columbia, identified in results from the Adolescent Health Survey (AHS), a large-scale survey conducted in grades 7-12 in 1992, 1998 and 2003. The report tracks what has improved over the years in youth health status, and identifies remaining problems and challenges. Positive trends are a decreases in risky sexual behaviour; decreases in physical fighting and experiences of physical and sexual abuse; decreases in cigarette smoking; and stability in patterns of weight and growth. Negative trends include mental health issues and teen suicide; and increases in marijuana use and binge drinking. Focused analyses on specific health topics are given in the areas of health status; age and developmental stage; gender; ethnicity; region of residence; chronic illness and abuse; risk and resilience.
The McCreary Centre Society; survey; Adolescent Health Survey (AHS); adolescents; British Columbia; youth; health; social determinants of health